Jesus the Word

The Word There is only one book that has stood the test of time and has spoken to each successive generation in illimitable tones. This book stands as a testament to the truth and a beacon of morality in the midst of a sea of religious and philosophical relativism. It defies tradition and man-made theories… Continue reading Jesus the Word

Acts of the Holy Spirit

The Key Player I really don’t like the uninspired additions to the Bible, particularly those lonely pages that read “The Old Testament” or “The New Testament.” Now I understand that they serve as demarcations between the two canons but instead of making things easier they have actually caused more confusion, causing Christians to pitch the… Continue reading Acts of the Holy Spirit

A Heavenly Vision

Their Vision Sometimes I wish God would show me exactly what I should do and how I should do it. I mean, wouldn’t it be so easy to have your own personal Urim and Thummim? Like one of those ‘Magic 8 Balls’, that you would shake, and it gives you a direct answer! I read… Continue reading A Heavenly Vision

The Latter Rain

The Problem with Laodicea The ancient city of Laodicea is situated in modern Turkey and was one of the economic centers of the ancient world. It was destroyed by an earthquake in 60 A.D. and instead of receiving help from the empire, the citizens proudly rallied together and repaired the city from their own resources.… Continue reading The Latter Rain

Rejoicing in the Lord

Discussion Questions: 1. What challenged you from the message today? 2. What in this passage helped you see more of Jesus? 3. How are you going to apply this to your life? Further Reading: 1 Kings 17-19 – John 1:1-51- Steps to Christ Chapter 12 –

Birth Pains

Khloe’s birth I still remember quite vividly the events surrounding Khloe’s birth. I remember Rosie hitting me at 1am in the morning when she had her first contraction. I remember timing those contractions, speaking with the midwife, and packing the car. I remember getting to the hospital only to be told that we had to… Continue reading Birth Pains

The Day of The Lord

Mother’s Day Forgetfulness Our daughter Khloe is over 2 years old and that means that Rosie (my wife) is a mother. Now as rudimentary as that may sound, it was somewhat lost on me for her first Mother’s Day. I don’t know whether it was general male incompetence or the surrealness of being new parents,… Continue reading The Day of The Lord

Rejoicing In The Lord

The Garden Ellen White received a letter from a dear friend who was greatly discouraged because her failures were constantly before her. Yet, before she had a chance to reply, she had a dream as to why this lady was feeling the way that she did. In the dream they were both walking through a… Continue reading Rejoicing In The Lord

The Work and the Life

The chapter ‘The Work and the Life’ in Steps to Christ serves as a transition point in the book. The first part of the book is dedicated to how one is saved and the second part to how one is to live once saved. As a result, the following chapters consequently unpack our growth in… Continue reading The Work and the Life

A Knowledge of God

The chapter ‘A Knowledge of God’ in Steps to Christ unveils the processes by which God speaks to His children today. The first of these three mediums is nature, the second is providence and the third is His word. The beginning of this chapter is very similar to the opening chapter of the book, testifying… Continue reading A Knowledge of God